Social Alchemix can be played by any number of people, though we recommend 10 or fewer, and with some sort of beverage in hand.

  1. Get Your Game

2. Get Together

Gather with your drink of choice. Turn off all phones and other disruptive devices and place them out of sight.

3. Choose Your Cards

Pull two cards from the two decks.

The symbols conjure one of over a hundred deep questions from the Book.

The perfect question asked at the right time. We skip the small talk and get into the good stuff.

4. Enjoy Connecting with Ease

A conversation is sparked, and we break down the walls between us.

Social Alchemix Helps you Create those Parties that No one Wants to End

There will be joy in seeing new friendships blossom and old ones deepen.

For solo players, or Parties for One, the choosing of cards and the questions they conjure can be used as prompts for journaling, or a daily check-in.


The small deck

The small deck of cards of Social Alchemix features alchemical symbols split into three suits: Heavenly Principles, Ancient Metals, and Poison. The proto-science of alchemy believed that different combinations of these elements (save poison) were the building blocks for all of life.

These elements have astrological connections which rule over different aspects of the human experience


The large deck

The large deck of cards of Social Alchemix contains symbols of easily recognizable objects that relate to our human experience, objects to which we ascribe our subjective meaning, and into which we can compartmentalize our lives.

The Object Deck is split up into four suits: Perception, Nature, Accomplishment, and Tools

The known and the unknown. The recognizable and the intuitive. The cards of Social Alchemix touch on elements of all of our lives.

The combination of one card from each deck creates something new. An Alchemical experiment. A question. A launching pad. An opportunity for understanding, for new bonds, and for new connections.